Radiant Singleness–Krissy’s Story: By Leslie Ludy

Published June 18, 2012 by twitterandfritters

…the fullness of Him who fills all in all
Ephesians 1:23

My sister-in-law, Krissy, chose to set her life apart for Christ at a young age.  As an outflow of her devotion to Him, she made a decision to live faithfully for her future husband; not to give her heart, emotions, or body away in temporary relationships, but to wait for the man God would one day bring into her life.  As Krissy entered her twenties, she still had never been in a relationship.   Guys had shown interest in her, but Krissy was holding out for a man who’s life was completely centered around Jesus Christ; a man who would not merely appreciate her personality and outward appearance, but would be captivated by the supernatural beauty that flowed from the center of her being.

Though she deeply desired to be married and raise a family, Krissy lived her single years entirely focused on Jesus Christ.  No matter where she was, she poured out her life for Him, loving and serving everyone around her.  She didn’t put off living until she finally met her future husband – instead, she lived fully and radiantly each and every day, drawing rich fulfillment and joy from her passionate romance with Jesus Christ.  She wasn’t obsessed with making herself attractive to the opposite sex.  Rather, she was consumed with her Heavenly Prince.  The only applause that mattered to her was His.

Krissy was (and is) a physically attractive woman.  But she did not possess the kind of pop-culture charm that appeals to most modern men. She didn’t spend her time and energy becoming more alluring to the world or attractive to guys.  Instead, she spent her time and energy serving the poor, teaching small children, going to the mission field, and sharing the gospel with hurting people.  She was marked by the kind of purity and innocence that today’s men usually scoff at.

As her twenties passed and she embarked upon her thirties, people began to pressure her to try to snag a guy while she still could.

“You should move to a big city where there are more available men,” some suggested.  ”Why don’t you start trying a little harder to get guys’ attention?” others urged.

It was tempting to listen to these well-meaning words.  She wasn’t getting any younger, and she longed for an earthly love story.  Most of the godly men she met were already married.  What if she never met anyone?  What if she never got married?

But the gentle words of her Lord resonated through her soul, “Am I enough?”

Even if He never brought a man into her life, Krissy resolved to remain fully set-apart for Him.  Jesus Christ, not the hope of an earthly romance, was the focus of her existence and the source of her fulfillment.  Even without an earthly love story, her Heavenly Prince was more than enough.  She wasn’t living for guys.  She wasn’t living for an earthly romance.  She was living for Him.

One day, as Krissy was teaching a Bible study, a young man named Scott walked into the room.  He was thirty-six years old, and had never given his heart to a woman.  He’d been holding out for a Christ-like princess and waiting faithfully for her all of his life.  As he listened to Krissy speak passionately about Jesus Christ, Scott was intrigued. The more he observed of her life, the more fascinated he became.  She wasn’t like other girls – even other Christian girls.  She never changed her personality around him or tried to impress him by saying or doing the right thing.  She was far more focused on Christ than she was on trying to turn his head or win his heart.

After a two-year friendship, Scott asked Krissy to marry him.  After much prayer, she said yes.  Their friendship and romance was beautiful, tender, sweet and pure – with Christ always at the center.

I will never forget Scott and Krissy’s wedding.  The room was flooded with the brilliant presence of God.  I could almost see Christ standing there applauding, His eyes beaming with love and tears of joy glistening on His face as He watched His precious princess walk down the aisle as a sparklingly pure bride.

Krissy had remained faithful and set-apart for Him and for her future husband since the age of twelve.  And now she was receiving His blessing, His reward.

Today, Scott and Krissy have three sweet children.  Her dream of having a family has come true.  And yet, the foundation of her existence is still her passionate, ongoing romance with Jesus Christ.  He is still her first love and the Lord of her life.  And her stunning beauty comes from His radiant life within her.

© Leslie Ludy

Radiant Singleness   Krissys Story Photo | Girls Gone Wise


© Leslie Ludy

One comment on “Radiant Singleness–Krissy’s Story: By Leslie Ludy

  • I absolutely LOVE this! What a beautiful story. Many will not understand this kind of devotion and scoff at it. But this kind of devotion is what life is about. It’s what God desires and deserves. It’s what brings peace and fulfillment. I have a friend who chose to live with the same love and focus. She’s in her 30’s and recently married an incredible man. Another beautiful story orchestrated by God.

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